
Lilac wandered aimlessly on the streets. Her eyes searched restlessly, her heart pounded with trepidation. A sense of urgency gripped her, as if the very essence of time itself was slipping through her fingers like grains of sand. The air was filled with an oppressive silence, broken only by the occasional car passing by, its headlights casting fleeting shadows on the sidewalk. Her steps echoed ominously, each thud an ominous reminder of the uncertainty that had plagued her for days.

Memories of her friend's words echoed in her mind, "Only he can save you now." The words seemed to linger, whispering in the spaces between her thoughts. She knew the rot she felt, the feeling of being trapped and lost. It was like being stuck in quicksand, each struggling move only sinking her deeper into despair.

The thought of this unknown person felt like a lifeline, a beacon of hope in the storm of her despair. But doubt and fear gnawed at her, questioning whether this was just a desperate illusion, an escape from the reality that bound her.

Lilac glanced up at the sky, noticing the absence of stars; the dense clouds smothered the night sky, enveloping the world in an inky abyss. The street lamps flickered intermittently, casting wavering pools of artificial light on the deserted street. She sighed, the sound blending eerily with the faint rustling of leaves.

Her thoughts swirled around the possibility of letting go of her pride and seeking solace in the person her friend had mentioned. But she hesitated, torn between the fear of surrendering to hope and the fear of disappointment.

The words of her principal echoed like a sharp, painful throb in her mind: "We're going to kick you out if you don't pay the fees." The weight of her financial troubles hung heavily on her shoulders. It was a constant reminder of her failure to secure a scholarship and the inevitable consequences. Fear and a pang of embarrassment gripped her heart as she imagined herself being expelled from the college for failing to meet financial obligations.

Her footsteps quickened, an urgency propelling her forward. The wind howled around her, as if amplifying the sense of turmoil and urgency that consumed her.

Lilac, at a mere twenty years old, found herself stranded in a foreign land, far away from the familiar. Her journey had started with the ambition to study, to broaden her horizon, but things had taken a turn. She was stuck, grappling with a problem she hadn't anticipated.

She had no money to pay her tuition fees, and the idea of involving her parents was out of the question. They had already struggled so much to send her here, their financial resources stretched thin just to provide her with the basics like food and clothes. The money they sent each month was barely enough to keep her afloat.

The thought of their struggle weighed heavily on her conscience; she knew they sacrificed so much to give her this opportunity. How could she tell them that she was on the verge of being expelled? She didn't want to hurt their feelings or cause them any more stress. So she held back, bottling up her struggles and trying to find a way out of this mess on her own.

The stress of her mounting debt and the ever-growing dread of expulsion kept her up, her mind racing with thoughts that refused to shut off.

She had applied for scholarships, but her application was rejected. There was nowhere for her to turn, no lifeline in sight. With each passing day, the feeling of helplessness grew stronger, like a noose around her neck.

Her friend had suggested a potential solution, one that made her stomach churn with a mix of hesitation and hope. She recommended that she visit a mobster, a notorious figure known for his influence in the city. Her friend claimed that this mobster was kind and had a reputation for helping those in need. But the notion of approaching a dangerous man like that made her anxious. Yet she was desperate, and hope flickered in her heart.

Lilac decided to consider her friend's advice. She thought, maybe, just maybe, this mobster would understand her situation and be willing to extend a hand of help.

Doubt crept into her mind, whispering treacherous thoughts. Could she really trust a stranger, especially one with a dubious reputation? And to beg him for money? It felt like a blow to her pride, a degradation she never thought she would have to face. But what choice did she have? She was drowning in debts, desperately in need of financial help. She had exhausted all her options, and time was running out.

Her thoughts played a dangerous tug-of-war, one side urging her to hold on to her dignity, the other side begging her to let it go. Fear and shame gripped her, making her stomach twist with anxiety.

The mere thought of having to beg for money left a bitter taste in her mouth. It was a scenario she had never imagined she would find herself in. She had always considered herself to be independent, someone who could take care of her own problems and handle the harsh realities of life. To have to kneel before someone, humbled and helpless, was a slap in the face. It stung her pride.

As she pondered her options, the first one seemed like a dagger to her heart. Involving her parents meant disappointing them and adding to their already strained financial situation. They would help her without hesitation, but at what cost? The thought of burdening them further was unbearable. She loved them deeply and didn't want to add more stress to their lives. They had already sacrificed so much, and the idea of involving them felt like adding salt to their wounds.

She knew how hard they had worked to help her pursue her dreams, and the thought of upsetting them by asking for more support crushed her spirits. They had always done everything they could to provide for her, and she didn't want to be the cause of further hardship. But as the pressure mounted and her options grew more limited, the thought of asking them for money tugged at her conscience, a nagging whisper that grew louder with each passing second.

Option number two seemed even more extreme and ominous - giving up everything and contemplating...dying. It loomed over like a dark shadow, a final solution to a seemingly unsolvable problem. It whispered to her, a sinister voice in the back of her mind. No more pain, no need to confront her parents or swallow her pride. It was the epitome of despair, an escape that she knew was the most forbidden of all. The thought of succumbing to such a drastic fate sent chills down her spine, yet it lingered in the shadowed corners of her mind, a siren song in the face of her suffering.

The notion of death as an escape lingered in her thoughts, but it was quickly squashed by the realization that it wasn't an option she could take. She was her parents' only child, and the pain she would inflict upon them by taking her own life was something she couldn't bear to even think about. She imagined the agony they would face, the sense of loss they would never recover from. The image of them mourning her made her stomach churn with guilt and pain. She knew she couldn't put them through that kind of heartbreak.

The thought of causing them such despair was too much to bear. They had done everything in their power to support her, and the thought of repaying them with such anguish was simply unthinkable. She could imagine their shattered hearts, the grief that would consume them, and the sense of emptiness that would fill their lives. There was no way she could do that to them, even in the depths of her despair. The love she had for her parents was stronger than her despair, and she knew she had to find another way out.

The third and final option weighed heavily on her mind - visiting the mobster her friend had warned her about and asking for money. The thought of humbling herself like that twisted her stomach, but it was the only possible way out. She had to put her pride aside and beg for help, even if it meant facing a dangerous man in a foreign land. Her friend's words echoed in her mind, "He's a kind person. He'll understand your situation."

As she considered this option, doubt and fear crept into her mind. How could she trust a man like that, a person with a questionable reputation? But her options were limited, and hope was running low. She wondered if this mobster would indeed understand her situation and offer help, or if he would take advantage of her helplessness. The uncertainty gnawed at her, but she knew she had no choice but to take a chance.

As her mind raced with thoughts, her gaze fell upon the wristwatch she wore. The dial reflected the time - 11:17 p.m. The realization hit her hard, the darkness of the night enveloping her. She had spent too much time trying to find a solution, but time was not on her side. The ticking of the clock seemed to grow louder, a constant reminder of the urgency of her situation.

Her thoughts twisted and turned as she debated the wisdom of visiting the mobster at this hour. It was late in the night, and she wasn't sure if it was a good idea to venture out at this time. The city's shadows seemed more ominous, and the thought of meeting a powerful figure in the dead of night sent a shiver down her spine. Yet, the urgency of her situation gnawed at her, leaving her torn between caution and desperation.

On one side, the reasonable voice in her mind warned her of the danger of wandering the streets late at night. On the other side, the growing desperation and the looming threat of being expelled from college pushed her towards taking a risk. The struggle within her was a silent battle, a constant tug-of-war between her rationality and her dire need for help.

She looked around, noticing the empty streets and the darkness that enveloped the city. The stillness of the night was both calming and eerie, a stark contrast to the turmoil within her mind. The late hour made it even more daunting to consider seeking help from a mobster, yet she knew she had little choice. The clock was ticking, and time was running out.

She unzipped her bag and reached inside, her fingers searching frantically for the one card she knew was concealed within. Her friend had given it to her with a pleading look, urging her to use it if she needed help. The card contained the address of the mobster, a lifeline in her desperate situation. Her hands fumbled within her bag, feeling the cool touch of various items until she finally grasped the card firmly in her palm.

The card felt almost heavy in her hand, the address written on it staring back at her like an invitation to a dangerous encounter. As she held it, she couldn't help but feel a mixture of trepidation and hope. The prospect of approaching a powerful figure like the mobster was daunting, but she had little choice. Her friend had urged her to use the card when all other options seemed exhausted, and here she was, clutching it tightly in her hand.

With a sense of determination, she took out her mobile, her fingers moving swiftly across the keypad as she typed the address that was etched on the card. The glow of the screen illuminated her worried face as she double-checked the information, confirming that she had entered the correct details. The location of the mobster's residence fluttered in front of her eyes, a destination that both frightened and reassured her at the same time.

As she looked at the address on her mobile screen and then looked at the city map, she realized that the mobster's mansion wasn't too far away. It wasn't exactly close by, but it wasn't that far either. The journey would be a moderate one, but considering the late hour, walking through the deserted streets seemed daunting. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the uncertain encounter that awaited her.

She pondered the idea of hailing a taxi, but quickly dismissed it. The lack of cash was one reason, but the primary concern was her instinct telling her not to trust a stranger, especially at this late hour when the city's crime rates were at their peak. The thought of relying on a taxi driver to take her to the mobster's mansion seemed unwise and risky in the darkness that engulfed the city.

Realizing her only choice was to walk, she took a deep breath, mentally steeling herself for the journey ahead. She glanced at her watch once more, its ticking reminding her of the urgency of her situation. With a mix of trepidation and determination, she straightened her back and set her jaw. The walk would be long, but she knew she had to reach the mobster's mansion as quickly as possible.

As she walked through the deserted streets, her mind was filled with a swirl of thoughts and emotions. The late hour, the uncertainty of confronting a mobster, and the desperation of her situation all merged into a chaotic mix within her mind. Every step she took towards the mobster's mansion seemed to echo in the quiet night, like an ominous soundtrack to her inner turmoil.

She passed by dimly lit alleys and empty streets, the shadows dancing in the corners of her vision. Her footsteps sounded loud and clear in the stillness of the night, punctuating the silence with a sense of urgency. Every now and then, she could hear the distant sound of a dog barking or a cat meowing, adding another layer of unease to the already tense atmosphere.

The city seemed different at night, almost sinister. Every rustle in the bushes or the sudden movement in the shadows sent a shiver down her spine. But she knew she had to push through the fear and keep going. The mansion was her destination, and it represented her only potential lifeline.

Her mind was filled with a whirlwind of what ifs and should haves as she walked. She imagined possible outcomes, ranging from the most optimistic to the darkest scenario. Questions bombarded her mind, each more agonizing than the last.

What if he's not there? What if he refuses to help? What if this all ends badly?

There were so many "what ifs" swimming around in her mind, and each one seemed more daunting than the last. As she walked, she couldn't help but imagine all the ways this plan could go wrong. Perhaps the mobster wasn't even home, or perhaps he would refuse to listen to her plight. The idea of being rejected and left with no one to turn to was both terrifying and disheartening.

The night felt cold and empty, mirroring her emotions. With each step she took, her heart grew heavier with the weight of her doubts and fears. Was this the right decision?

What if her friend's recommendation had been wrong? Perhaps the mobster wasn't as kind and understanding as she had been led to believe. The thought of facing a cruel and ruthless man made her shiver. And what if news of her visit spread, tarnishing her reputation beyond repair? Her mind taunted her with all sorts of terrifying scenarios, each one more horrific than the last.

The street lamps shone dimly in the darkness, casting long shadows across the cobblestone pavement. She wondered if there were people watching her from their windows, their eyes peering down at her as she walked alone in the dead of night. Each passing moment brought about a new wave of anxiety and uncertainty. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was walking towards a disaster.

The cool night air blew against her, carrying the faint scent of smoke from distant factories. It was a stark contrast to the turmoil in her mind. Her stomach churned with unease as she drew closer to the mobster's mansion, each step bringing her closer to either salvation... or ruin.

After walking what felt like an eternity, she finally found herself standing in front of the mobster's mansion. The grand structure rose above her, a monument to wealth and power. Its tall gates gleamed in the dim light, flanked on either side by towering stone walls. Her hands trembled slightly as she stared at the formidable entrance, trying to suppress the butterflies in her stomach.

She took out her mobile, the screen casting a soft glow in the dark night. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest as she double-checked the address on the screen against the one on the card her friend had given her. The numbers and letters seemed to blur together, her nervousness making it difficult to focus. Finally, she saw that she was indeed at the correct address. The mansion before her was the home of the mobster.

Taking a deep breath, she put away her mobile and faced the imposing gates once more. The mansion seemed even more intimidating from this close up. The wrought iron bars were like fingers, reaching out to keep out invaders. Her eyes darted around, taking in the enormity of the place. It was like staring into the mouth of a beast.

With each step she took, her heart thumped louder in her chest. The armed guards stationed at the gate looked even more menacing up close. Their eyes were steely and expressionless, their bodies rigid as they held their rifles in a firm grip. The gate loomed overhead, a tall and imposing barrier that separated her from the mansion and its enigmatic owner. Every fibre of her being screamed at her to turn back and flee, but she pushed on, desperate for any chance to save herself from ruin.

One of the Guards stepped forward cautiously, his rifle still pointed at her in a not-so-friendly manner. He looked her up and down, his gaze suspicious and calculating. "Who are you? What do you want?" he asked gruffly, his voice betraying no hint of warmth or hospitality.

She could feel her heart practically jumping out of her chest. The sight of the rifle, pointed directly at her, was enough to make her skin crawl. The guard's tone was cold and firm, making it clear that any wrong move or answer would be met with severe consequences. She swallowed hard and gathered her courage, trying to steady her trembling voice before speaking. "I'm...I'm here to see your boss," she said, her words barely above a whisper.

The Guard exchanged a quick look with his fellow guard, eyes narrowing slightly. "And what business do you have with the boss, little lady?" he asked, his tone slightly less hostile than before but still wary.

She took a deep breath, her heart racing. "I...I need to speak with him," she said, her voice now steady with determination. "It's important. I've got nowhere else to turn." The Guard studied her face, searching for any hint of deception. After a moment, he gave a curt nod. "Wait here," he said gruffly.

The Guard turned away from her and walked towards the mansion, leaving her alone with his fellow guard who continued to look at her with a steely gaze. Her eyes darted between the guard and the mansion, her mind racing. How long would she have to wait? Would the mobster see her? Or would they turn her away, leaving her with no hope of salvation?

The seconds ticked by, each one like an eternity. The only sound was the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze and the distant sounds of the city. She wrung her hands nervously, her palms sweaty. Every muscle in her body was tense, like a coiled spring ready to snap at any moment. The anxiety was overwhelming, and she felt like screaming in frustration. But she held her tongue, praying silently for the guard to return with good news.

After what felt like an eternity, the Guard finally returned. He approached her with a scowl on his face, looking almost sorry to relay the news. "The boss will see you," he said gruffly, "but I hope you've got a damn good reason for showing up here so late."

Relief washed over her, mixing with a tinge of fear. She had been granted an audience with the mobster, but she knew that the meeting could go either way. She nodded to the Guard, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you," she managed to say before following him towards the mansion.

As the massive doors of the mansion opened before her, she felt her breath catch in her chest. The grounds surrounding the mansion were lush and meticulously maintained, with intricate landscapes and fountains that shimmered in the dim light. The entire property exuded an aura of wealth and extravagance that left her speechless.

She followed the Guard across the expansive lawns, her footsteps falling softly on the perfectly cut grass. The garden was a masterpiece, filled with flowers of every colour and shape. The sight was almost surreal, like a vision from a fairy tale.

Everything around her screamed opulence and extravagance. The sound of trickling water from ornate fountains could be heard in the distance, and the smell of sweet-scented flowers hung in the air. The moon cast a soft glow over the garden, adding an ethereal touch to the surroundings. It was like she had stepped into another world, far removed from the rough streets outside.

As she continued through the garden, she could not help but be captivated by the numerous statues that adorned the area. Each statue was a work of art, the craftsmanship and detail so precise it seemed almost unreal. The statues were scattered around the garden, with a common theme of various creatures from mythology and legend. The moonlight added a soft glow to the stone figures, making them appear both lifelike and haunting.

The craftsmanship of the statues was unparalleled, each one telling a story with their frozen expressions. As she passed by, she could almost hear the whispered voices of the figures come to life, their tales echoing through the garden like ghostly whispers. The attention to detail was astounding, from the delicate folds of the nymphs' clothing to the rippling muscles of the heroes. It was as if the artist had captured a moment in time and immortalized it in stone.

As she continued her journey through the garden, her eyes fell upon a door that piqued her interest. There, emblazoned in gleaming letters, was the name of the mobster. She paused for a moment, her heart skipping a beat. This was the doorway that separated the luxurious gardens from the main building. Crossing through that threshold meant leaving behind the tranquil beauty of the garden and stepping into the intimidating territory of the mobster.

As they approached the door, the name of the mobster shone forth in bold letters, demanding attention. This was the mobster's name, a name that carried the weight of his power and reputation. The sight of it sent a shiver down her spine, a reminder of the dangerous figure she was about to meet...Jeon Jungkook.



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