๐Ÿ | ๐‚๐ข๐ง๐ž๐ฆ๐š

As Y/N stood in her kitchen, a small but cozy space filled with the aromas of various spices, she skillfully navigated through the familiar routine of preparing her favorite dish. The air was infused with a sense of comfort and serenity, as the sounds of sizzling pans and occasional chatter filled the room. Even though she was alone at home, the absence of her parents, who were both out attending to their respective professions, did not dampen her spirits. In fact, the solitude allowed her to immerse herself in the simple pleasure of cooking, creating a moment of tranquility amidst her hectic college life.

As Y/N stood in her kitchen, a small but cozy space filled with the aromas of various spices, she skillfully navigated through the familiar routine of preparing her favorite dish. The air was infused with a sense of comfort and serenity, as the sounds of sizzling pans and occasional chatter filled the room. Even though she was alone at home, the absence of her parents, who were both out attending to their respective professions, did not dampen her spirits. In fact, the solitude allowed her to immerse herself in the simple pleasure of cooking, creating a moment of tranquility amidst her hectic college life.

With the main components now prepared, Y/N began adding the spices and seasonings that would bring her unique flavor to the dish. She closed her eyes for a moment, imagining the tastes and aromas that would soon fill the room. The combination of herbs and spices was a symphony of flavors, a blend of familiar and exotic notes. She smiled to herself, feeling a sense of satisfaction in the knowledge that this meal was more than mere sustenance; it was a reflection of her personal style and creativity.

As Y/N placed the lid on the pot and set a timer, she leaned against the cool counter, a sigh escaping her lips. Today was her day off from college, a welcome respite from the relentless grind of classes and assignments. Despite enjoying her studies, the thought of another day spent in lectures and seminars filled her with a sense of dread. The monotony of endless PowerPoint presentations and lectures had become draining, leaving her longing for the freedom to explore her own interests.

Y/N took a moment to admire the dish she had meticulously prepared. The aromas wafting from the pot seemed promising, but there was still a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. With a mixture of excitement and apprehension, she spoke aloud as if trying to convince herself, "I can't wait to taste it, but I just really hope it's edible." She had invested so much time and effort into crafting this dish, but the fear of it turning out inedible lingered in the back of her mind. The thought of all her hard work going to waste was disheartening, and she fervently hoped that the meal would be more than just palatable, but a true culinary experience. As she set the timer, she couldn't help but mentally cross her fingers, hoping that when the timer rang, the dish would greet her with an aroma and flavor that would satisfy her palate and lift her spirits. The waiting game had begun, and she could only hope that her cooking instincts had not failed her this time.

With the timer's resounding beep as a signal, Y/N carefully ladled the contents of the pot onto a plate. The room was enveloped in a mouth-watering aroma, a blend of spices and seasonings, as the dish lay before her, begging to be tasted. Carrying the plate with a sense of eager anticipation, she made her way to the cozy living room and settled onto the comfortable couch. The soft carpet embraced her steps, while the room's inviting ambiance and strategically placed lighting welcomed her weary body. She reached for the remote, her fingers curling around the familiar shape, and allowed herself a moment of relaxation.

Y/N settled into the plush cushions of the couch, the familiar scent of home filling her nostrils as the TV came to life. The bright glare of the screen cast dancing shadows on the walls, while the sound of the TV provided a comforting background noise. She placed the plate on her lap, the food's steam rising like a gentle fog, and leaned back, feeling the stresses of the day slowly melt away. The flickering colors of the TV program provided a welcome distraction, and she allowed herself to be immersed in the world of fiction.

As the first few bites of her food found their way into her mouth, Y/N felt a sense of triumph. The flavors danced on her tongue, a symphony of spices and textures, and she knew that her efforts were not in vain. The disappointment she had feared had not materialized, and instead, she was rewarded with a meal that satisfied her cravings. With the TV show playing in the background, she let herself fully appreciate the moment of solitude and satisfaction.

As Y/N savored each mouthful of her meal, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. The solitude of the house, the absence of her friends and family around her, allowed for a rare moment of tranquility. She couldn't help but think that of all the days of the weekend, this was the one she enjoyed the most. The "me time" she so craved was a precious commodity, and she relished the freedom to relax and pamper herself without any distractions. The thought only heightened her sense of satisfaction.

The soft glow of the TV light bathed the room in a warm, soothing hue, adding to the tranquil atmosphere. Y/N continued to eat, her thoughts wandering to all the things she could do on this day of solitude. Perhaps she would read a book, take a lazy nap, or just simply indulge in some mindless TV watching. The possibilities seemed endless, and the thought filled her with a renewed sense of joy. She leaned back further into the couch, a hint of contentment in her eyes as the TV program droned on in the background.

The food, a testament to her culinary prowess, was slowly eaten with relish. Y/N's thoughts returned to the freedom she had in the solitude of the house. She could practically feel the stress of the week seeping out of her, replaced by a sense of calm and rejuvenation. With the weekend stretching out before her, she knew this day would be remembered as the day she took a well-deserved break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The TV program, now playing its closing credits, served as a reminder that the hours ahead were her own, to do with as she pleased.

After the final morsel of food had been consumed, Y/N's stomach expressed its satisfaction with a loud, satisfying burp. The room echoed with the sound, a testament to the delicious meal and the sense of contentment she felt. She leaned back against the plush cushions of the couch, relishing in the feeling of having indulged in a meal of her own making. The room was still and peaceful, and the soft glow of the TV provided a soothing ambiance. Feeling fully rejuvenated, Y/N let out a contented sigh and reached for the remote, ready to continue enjoying her relaxing day.

As Y/N blissfully reveled in the solitude, the sudden shrill chime of her mobile phone disturbed the peaceful silence. She leaned over, her gaze darting to the caller ID, and discovered that it was Sarah attempting to contact her.

"Sarah's calling," she mused to herself, "this can only mean trouble." She accepted the call and brought the phone to her ear, bracing herself for the whirlwind of energy and banter that was her friend Sarah. The previous tranquility of the room had been disrupted, but strangely, Y/N felt a tinge of excitement at the prospect of talking to Sarah. The quiet had been nice, but she couldnโ€™t deny the fun and laughter that always seemed to follow in Sarah's wake.

Y/N answered the call from Sarah with a smile, her tone a mixture of amusement and mild resignation. "Hello, Sarah," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of sarcasm. "What mischief am I being roped into this time?" She leaned back against the couch, anticipating the reason for Sarah's call. Although Sarah's antics were not unexpected, there was always a sense of lightheartedness about them. Y/N couldn't help but secretly look forward to their next adventure, even if it meant rolling her eyes at the chaos that was about to ensue.

Sarah responded to Y/N's tone with a dramatic roll of her eyes. "C'mon," she protested, a hint of mock offense in her voice. "You're speaking as if I'm some sort of troublemaker, which I am definitely not!" The corners of her lips curled into a cheeky smile, betraying her lighthearted nature. Y/N couldn't help but smirk in response, knowing full well that Sarah was the epitome of a troublemaker, but still enjoying the banter between them.

With a light-hearted chuckle, Y/N couldn't help but remark, "Oh, Sarah, you definitely are a troublemaker in disguise. We both know that's your specialty." The words were spoken with a playful tone, acknowledging the undeniable truth behind them. Y/N often found herself caught up in Sarah's whirlwind of mischief, but it was all part of the excitement and fun of their friendship. She knew that despite her protests, Sarah reveled in her mischief-making tendencies, and Y/N secretly enjoyed being dragged into the chaos.

Sarah rolled her eyes, a theatrical display of faux irritation, before adding, "Seriously, would you stop dawdling already?" Her patience was wearing thin, and it was evident in her tone. "We're all here, ready to go, and you're taking your sweet time. Mike, Jason, and Lilly are getting antsy, you know. Hurry up and join us before we send a search party to drag you out of there." Sarah's words were laced with both playful annoyance and an underlying hint of concern, expressing the group's eagerness for Y/N to finally make an appearance.

Sarah let out a dramatic exhalation, feigning exhaustion. "Okay, listen up," she began, a hint of mock exasperation in her voice. "First, we're taking you to this amazing mall to shop for your birthday dress. Then, we'll celebrate at the adventure park. Oh, and Jason, in all his political connections, scored us a VIP section at that exclusive club for your birthday tomorrow. It's going to be epic, babe." Sarah's tone was filled with excitement and anticipation, leaving no doubt about the awesome plans they had lined up for Y/N's special day.

Y/N smiled with a hint of amusement, recalling the previous day's brainstorming session in the canteen. "Ah yes," she began, her voice laced with a touch of playful mockery, "I recall our little pow-wow in the canteen yesterday where we all discussed the brilliant ideas for my impending birthday celebration." Her eyes sparkled with delight as she continued, "It seems fate has aligned, and the plans are in motion. The club, the VIP section, and the promise of a fabulous feast await. Oh, what an exciting time this shall be!"

Sarah's voice exuded her growing frustration as she practically yelled, "Enough already! Get out here this instant, Y/N! We've been standing here in the scorching sun for what feels like an eternity, turning into human sweatballs. My sunscreen is on the verge of evaporation, and I'm about to start a pool of my own sweat. If you don't make your appearance soon, I'll have no choice but to personally drag you out of that house. I'm serious, chop chop!"

Jason chimed in, his patience also wearing thin, "Yeah, Y/N, we've been waiting here like sacrificial sizzle sticks, melting under the heat. We're one sunburn away from a human barbecue. Get a move on, girl! We have a mall and an adventure park to conquer!"

Mike, meanwhile, chuckled through his discomfort, "He's right, Y/N. We're becoming human sun-cooked meals out here. I can practically see my skin turning a lovely shade of lobster red. Hurry up, or we'll start a makeshift sauna in the parking lot!"

Y/N couldn't suppress her laughter at their exaggerated whining. "Honestly, guys," she joked, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "You're not going to turn into human popsicles or burn into a crisp just because you're standing in the sun for a few extra moments. Come on in, get some relief from the heat, and give me a moment to freshen up and put on a fresh outfit. Trust me, I won't dawdle!"

Sarah, still feigning annoyance, playfully grumbled, "Fine, but you better hurry up, or I'll start charging you a 'late arrival fee'!" The group begrudgingly obliged, following Y/N inside, eager to escape the scorching sun.

As the group entered the house, they collectively exhaled a sigh of relief, grateful to be out of the blazing sun and into the cool, air-conditioned indoors. Sarah, still playing up her mock annoyance, quipped, "Well, that was a lovely roasting session out there. I feel like a nicely grilled steak now." Mike chimed in, fanning himself with his hand, "I'm pretty sure I lost a few pounds just from sweating out there. Can't say I'll miss that heat!"

Lilly chimed in, her voice tinged with a hint of humor. "Oh, you can blame Mike for that one. He's the one with the brilliant idea of getting our adrenaline pumping at the adventure park, even though we're all trying not to melt into puddles right now." The group collectively rolled their eyes, feigning mock annoyance at Mike's adventurous suggestion.

Mike sheepishly grinned, raising his hand in acknowledgment. "Heh, guilty as charged," he admitted with a sheepish chuckle. "I did suggest the adventure park for a good adrenaline fix. But, in my defense, I had completely forgotten about the scorching sun and the possibility of turning into human roasted potatoes." His words were laced with a hint of humor, clearly amused by their situation but realizing the irony.

Y/N, seeing an opportunity for respite from the extreme heat, proposed a different alternative. "Why don't we consider a more comfortable and air-conditioned option, my friends?" she suggested, her voice filled with a hint of relief. "We can retreat to the cinema and catch the latest movie, avoiding the torment of the scorching sun beyond. It seems like a much more enjoyable and refreshing way to spend our time, wouldn't you agree?" Her words were infused with a touch of wit and an eagerness to escape the sweltering temperature.

Mike, channeling his inner child, whined in protest, "But I want to go to the adventure park! I miss the thrill and excitement it brings. Can't we just tough it out and have some fun?" His voice carried a hint of nostalgia and a desire to rekindle fond memories.

Jason, displaying his disapproval of Mike's plan, firmly stated, "If you're hell-bent on visiting the adventure park, Mike, you can go by yourself. I'm not tagging along to end up as a crispier version of a chicken nuggets." His words left no room for debate, firmly rejecting any suggestion of participation in the expedition to the outdoor thrill park under the scorching sun.

Lilly joined the conversation, firmly siding with Jason. "I'm with Jason on this one," she asserted, her voice carrying a note of solidarity. "Who in their right mind would willingly step outdoors in this furnace-like weather? I'd rather stick to the comfortable and cool confines of an air-conditioned cinema, where I can watch the latest movie without feeling like I'm being roasted alive." Her words were laced with a mix of resolve and a desire for a more soothing and comfortable experience.

Sarah, having had enough of the back-and-forth debate, stepped in with a firm tone. "You know what? I'm with Jason and Lilly on this one. There's no way I'm subjecting myself to that kind of heat just to experience some adrenaline rush. Count me in for the cinema. A comfortable seat, air conditioning, and a movie sound infinitely better than turning into a smoke." Her words were spoken with a sense of finalization, signaling that her decision was made and she had no intention of budging.

Mike, rolling his eyes with feigned annoyance, jokingly exclaimed, "Oh, how endearing. My friends, who claim to love me, refuse to accompany me on my adventure pilgrimage. How could they abandon me to my fate among the heat-stroked masses?" His words held a hint of theatricality, playing up his mock disappointment, but there was an underlying affection laced within his sarcastic statement.

Lilly, completely disregarding Mike's dramatic outburst, turned her attention back to Y/N. "Alright, Y/N, we need to get a move on," she asserted. "First, we head to the mall to find you the perfect birthday dress, followed by catching the latest flick at the cinema. Let's get ourselves looking fabulous and enjoying a movie while staying cool and comfortable."

Jason, seizing the opportunity to poke fun at Mike, chimed in, "Oh, absolutely. Who needs the thrill and excitement of an adventure park when you can browse dresses and watch a movie in climate-controlled bliss?" Jason's tone was dripping with mock disdain, clearly enjoying the playful banter. Mike, rolling his eyes to the ceiling, took the ribbing in stride but said nothing in his defense, choosing to maintain a stoically silent expression. The girls, meanwhile, chuckled at the exchange, finding amusement in the banter between their friends.


Y/N stepped out of the dressing room, her friends eagerly awaiting her appearance. She twirled around, allowing them to assess the dress she had chosen. The fabric gently grazed her figure, accentuating her curves in all the right places. The color and design perfectly complemented her complexion and personality, radiating elegance and sophistication. Sarah spoke up first, her eyes sparkling with approval. "You absolutely look stunning, Y/N! That dress is a total knockout."

Jason, his eyes scanning her figure with a critical yet affectionate gaze, chimed in, holding up another dress. "As much as I love the dress you're currently wearing, there's another one I think would be even more perfect for you. Would you mind trying this one on too?" The dress in his hand was a stunning selection, complete with intricate details and a captivating design.

Sarah and Lily turned around to catch a glimpse of the dress Jason was holding, their reactions were immediate. Their faces twisted into expressions of exaggerated disgust, with Lily even covering her mouth as if stifling a gag. The dress, a grandiose ball gown, was a far cry from anything appropriate for Y/N's age or personality. Sarah, her voice dripping with sarcasm, added jokingly, "Jason, darling, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but let me gently remind you that we're getting ready for a party at a club, not a fancy ball. This isn't Cinderella's royal gala. Y/N needs a dress to dance and have a good time at a club, not pose like royalty at a banquet."

Mike, unable to resist chiming in, interjected with his thoughts. "I mean, let's be real," he chuckled, his voice dripping with amusement. "Y/N would look like an absolute queen in a ball gown. Imagine her sweeping in like royalty, turning all heads, and commanding the attention of everyone there." His words were tinged with a hint of jest, but there was no denying the playful admiration in his voice.

Y/N, chuckling at the comparison, responded with a mix of amusement and gratitude. "Oh goodness, I'm so glad I'm not a queen. Can you imagine being traded like property for political alliances, watching your husband have a whole parade of wives, and being expected to just sit pretty and play the part like a delicate doll? I'm truly grateful that I was born in an era where women aren't traded like chess pieces and our worth isn't defined solely by our ability to procreate."

Lilly chimed in, a playful note in her voice, "Seriously, it's like those history lessons have infected your brain or something. You're spouting off royal facts like a walking encyclopedia. Next thing you know, you'll be wearing a tiara and expecting others to bow down to you." Her words held a hint of amused disbelief, as if she couldn't quite believe the transformation Y/N had undergone after attending those lectures.

Y/N, rolling her eyes in mock exasperation, replied, "Oh, trust me, being in a royal family would be a nightmare. Imagine having to follow all those rigid rules and protocols, being constantly scrutinized by the public eye with no room for mistakes... No, thank you. Give me a life of normalcy any day." Her words were spoken with a hint of mock dramatic flare, her distaste for the royal lifestyle clear in her tone.

Jason, his facial expression one of mock discomfort, interjected with a lighthearted plea. "Okay, okay, guys, can we please switch gears and stop talking about history now? My brain can only handle so much royalty and archaic traditions in one day." His words were spoken with humorous exaggeration, making no genuine complaint but simply emphasizing the need to move on to more pleasant topics.


The lights in the cinema dimmed, casting the room into a soft, ambient glow. The only source of illumination now came from the large screen ahead, casting shadows and reflections on the faces of the friends as they settled into their seats. Each one clutched a beverage in one hand and a buttery box of popcorn in the other, their anticipation palpable in the air. They exchanged excited glances, knowing the film they had all been eagerly awaiting was moments away from beginning.

Sarah, a mix of excitement and suspense on her face, whispered to the others. "I've been so hyped for this film. Do you think it'll meet all the hype?" Her voice carried a hint of eager anticipation, her eyes glued to the screen as if willing the movie to start sooner.

Mike, his eyes sparkling with anticipation, chuckled in response. "Oh, I have a feeling it's going to be epic," he whispered back. "I mean, with all the glowing reviews and trailers, it's bound to blow us away." His voice quivered with a mix of eagerness and boyish excitement.

Jason chimed in, his eyes fixed on the screen. "I'm hoping for some mind-blowing visuals and a killer soundtrack. If it lives up to half the hype, we're in for a treat." His words were spoken quietly, the hushed anticipation in his tone making his expectations clear.

Lilly, her hand poised over her popcorn, added her own thoughts. "I'm just hoping for a good storyline. You know, something with plot twists and unforgettable characters. If it can deliver on that, I'll be a happy camper." Her words were spoken with a note of hopefulness, her own anticipation mirrored in the sparkle in her eyes.

Y/N chuckled, her own excitement bubbling beneath the surface. "Honestly, I'm just here for the escapism," she confessed. "If it can whisk me away from reality and immerse me in a different world for a few hours, I'll consider it a win." Her words were spoken with a lighthearted tone, mirroring the anticipation and joy shared by her friends.

Jason's POV

As I sit beside Y/N, the dimmed lighting of the cinema casts an otherworldly glow upon her features, making her look like an otherworldly being. The soft shadows dance across her face, accentuating her delicate features. In the glow of the screen, her eyes seem to sparkle like stars, reflecting the colors of the film that hasn't even started yet. It's as if the entire room has faded into a hazy blur, leaving me captivated by her ethereal presence.

The light from the screen reflects off her delicate collarbones and illuminates her hair, making it appear like a silken waterfall cascading over her shoulders. Her lips are gently parted, lost in the anticipation of the movie, and her profile is perfectly balanced, with a gentle slope of her nose and a soft arch of her brows. In this moment, she is not simply Y/N. She is an embodiment of enchantment and mystique.

As I sat there in the cinema, watching Y/N beside me, I couldn't help but marvel at her beauty. It was as if she was a work of art, her features almost too perfect to be real. I had always admired her from afar, feeling as if my presence would somehow sully her otherworldly grace. In the dimly lit room, she seemed like a vision, her eyes glimmering in the reflected light from the screen, her lips slightly parted in anticipation of the film we were about to watch.

As I observed her face, I became acutely aware of every small detail. Her eyes were large and expressive, with eyelashes that seemed to fan out like the delicate wings of a butterfly. Her nose was straight and slender, with a slight upturn at the end, giving her a subtle hint of mischief. Her lips were full and slightly parted, as if holding a secret. Her skin, a soft creamy hue, seemed like a canvas upon which the warm glow of the cinema lights played their symphony. Every feature was perfectly balanced, creating a face that was both captivating and enchanting.

As I sat there, taking in her beauty, a pang of insecurity crept into my thoughts. Y/N seemed almost too perfect, so flawless that it made me question my own appearance. Suddenly, I found myself comparing every feature of my face to hers, feeling as if I paled in comparison. Her lips, her nose, and her eyes - they were like a work of art, and I wondered how I could even hope to measure up to such perfection. It was as if the difference between us was an insurmountable chasm, making me feel small and ordinary in her radiant presence.

The more I observed Y/N, the more my insecurities grew. I started to question if I was even worthy of being in her presence, let alone having her as a friend. Her beauty seemed to cast a shadow over me, making me feel like a wilted flower next to a vibrant rose. I wondered if she could even see me amongst the crowd, or if I was just a faded background character in the grand scheme of her life. The doubts crept in, whispering that I was not good enough to stand beside such a beacon of perfection.

As I sat there, watching her in the dimly lit cinema, I couldn't help but think back to high school. Back then, my feelings for her were as strong as they are now, but I never had the courage to confess. She was always so beautiful, almost too pretty, that my youthful insecurities held me back from expressing my feelings. I would steal glances at her in classes, admiring her from afar, feeling as though I didn't have the right to approach her. That feeling of unrequited love, buried deep inside, rose back to the surface, reminding me of the wasted opportunities and missed chances.

I tried to push my insecurities and doubts aside, reminding myself that having Y/N as a friend was already more than I had hoped for. Sure, I could never have her romantically, but at least I could admire her from afar, like a rare and precious gem that was beyond my reach. I took comfort in the fact that our friendship gave me the opportunity to be near her, to catch brief glimpses of her radiant personality, and to experience her laughter up close. At least, for now, that seemed like enough.

My eyes reluctantly shifted from Y/N's captivating face to the screen ahead. The lights were dimming, signaling that the movie was about to start. I tried to focus on the film, determined to enjoy the cinema experience, but I couldn't help feeling a pang of disappointment at having to tear my gaze away from her. The film might be entertaining, but it would never compare to the enchantment of being near Y/N.

End of POV

Sarah, a devoted aficionado of the immensely popular Korean actor Kim Taehyung, let out an involuntary whistle of excitement as her beloved idol's visage graced the cinematic screen. Her outburst prompted her friends to erupt into peals of laughter, amused by her unabashed display of veneration. In a breathless whisper, she gushed, "That's Kim Taehyung! He is a living embodiment of perfection on this planet." Her friends chuckled, finding her fervent admiration endearing and entertaining.

Mike, ever the devilish tease, couldn't resist seizing the opportunity for a good jest. He chuckled and chimed in with a mock serious expression, "Oh geez, Sarah, you're seriously fangirling out here." He feigned a look of concern and added, "I think you might want to wipe that drool off your chin before it stains the carpet." His tone was lighthearted and comically exaggerated, clearly enjoying the chance to poke fun at his friend's adoration for Kim Taehyung.

Sarah playfully swatted at Mike, her cheeks tinted a rosy hue. "Oh, shut up, Mike," she retorted, attempting to sound annoyed but failing to suppress a grin. "I can't help it if the man is a modern-day Adonis." Her tone was a mix of defensiveness and amusement, not taking the teasing too seriously.

Lilly, who had been silently watching the movie, let out an excited screech, her eyes widening in surprise and admiration. The group's gazes immediately darted towards her, concerned expressions on their faces. However, their worries were quickly replaced with realization as they saw the towering figure of Kim Seokjin on the screen.

"Oh my goodness, Kim Seokjin," she exhaled, her voice filled with awe. "He's so handsome, I might faint."

Sarah and Lilly, both ardent fans of the hallyu stars, quickly got into a lively discussion about the undeniable good looks of Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin.

"I mean, just look at Taehyung," Sarah gushed, her voice practically oozing admiration. "Those eyes and that jawline could cut glass, I swear."

Lilly nodded vigorously in agreement. "And Kim Seokjin is no slouch in the good-looks department either. Those broad shoulders and that perfectly sculpted face are just swoon-worthy."

Mike and Jason exchanged a look of mock despair as they listened to Sarah and Lilly waxing poetic about the attractiveness of Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin. They rolled their eyes and shared a silent commiserating glance.

Y/N, amused by their reactions, chuckled quietly, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She couldn't help but find the fangirling antics of her friends slightly entertaining, even if she wasn't as enthusiastic as them.

Mike leaned back in his seat and chimed in, a hint of sarcasm in his tone. "You guys do realize they're just actors, right? They're not gods or anything."

Jason, trying to keep a straight face, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, what's next? You'll be naming your future children after them?"

Sarah, in the midst of gushing over another feature of Kim Taehyung, shot a playful glare at Mike. "Oh, shush, Mike. You're just jealous because you don't understand the appeal of a handsome man."

Lilly chimed in, a smirk dancing on her lips. "And for your information, I just might name my child after one of them. Imagine how awesome that would be."

Jason, his facial expression a mixture of embarrassment and amusement, leaned closer to Mike and whispered, "Can you believe these two? They're really something, bro." His tone was laced with a mix of mild annoyance and reluctant acknowledgment of their fangirl antics.

Mike nodded in agreement, his expression a mixture of amusement and disbelief. He leaned closer to Jason and whispered, his voice tinged with humor, "I know, man. They're completely obsessed. It's like they've found their own personal deities or something."

Jason's eyes widened as he observed the two fangirls, their animated discussion still ongoing. "I've never seen them get so hyped about anything. It's like they've lost touch with reality or something," he whispered back, a hint of bemusement in his tone.

The conversation faded as Mike and Jason turned their attention back to the movie, their eyes glued to the screen. They chuckled under their breaths, still amused by the intense fangirling display of Sarah and Lilly, but opting to keep their thoughts to themselves for now.

On screen, the plot of the movie unfolded, drawing them into its world of drama and emotion, temporarily distracting them from the antics of their smitten friends.


The group had adjourned to a cozy little restaurant after the movie, still immersed in their cinematic experience. They settled into a booth, the ambiance warm and inviting.

Sarah, sipping on her drink, began the discussion. "That movie was amazing. The acting, the plot twists, and the cinematography - everything was on point."

Mike, nodding in agreement, added, "Yeah, I have to admit, it was pretty good, but I still think action movies are my cup of tea."

Lilly, fanning her flushed cheeks, interjected, "You're missing the point! The romantic scenes were just so swoon-worthy. I swear, my heart was racing. And the chemistry between the leads... \chef's kiss\" She mimicked the action of a kiss, her lips making a soft 'smack' sound.

Y/N chuckled at Lilly's enthusiasm. "Romantic movies always get you all dreamy-eyed, huh?"

Lilly, who still had that dreamy, lovestruck look in her eyes, responded, "I can't help it! I'm a hopeless romantic at heart. When I see a couple falling in love on screen, it gets me every time."

She sighed dramatically and placed a hand over her heart. "It's just so beautiful, you know? Love, passion, and that magical moment when two people finally realize they're meant to be together. A girl could swoon over that all day."

Jason snickered, unable to resist a jest. "You guys seem more infatuated with the male leads than the actual plot of the movie." He raised an eyebrow playfully, his tone teasing. "Are you sure you didn't go to the cinema to gawk at heartthrobs instead of watching a movie?"

Sarah swatted playfully at Jason's shoulder, a grin on her face. "We can appreciate the plot and the eye candy at the same time, you know."

Lilly nodded vigorously in agreement. "Multi-tasking, my friend. We can admire a good story and drool over handsome men at the same time. It's called being a multitasker."

Mike, rolling his eyes, chimed in with a hint of mock despair. "Oh, great. You girls have found the secret to true talentโ€”ogling men while following a plot. Impressive, ladies, really impressive."

He feigned a look of admiration, his tone laced with sarcastic irony. "Maybe I should start practicing my multi-tasking skills too."

As their food was served, the lively conversation continued. Lilly was still lost in her reverie, gazing off into the distance, her thoughts fixated on the handsome face of Kim Seokjin. Suddenly, she snapped out of her dreamy daze and turned to Y/N, her lips forming a soft pout.

"Hey, Y/N," she began, her voice slightly dreamy, "do you believe in love? Like, true, lasting love?"

Y/N blinked, slightly caught off guard by the sudden change in topic. She had been enjoying her meal, but now she focused her attention on Lilly, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Well," she replied, choosing her words carefully, "I do believe in love. But it's not always as simple as the movies make it seem. Real love takes time, patience, and effort. It's not always easy, but it can be worth it in the end."

Mike, taking a sip of his drink, chimed in, his tone slightly serious. "True love is about loyalty, in my opinion. I mean, think about all the old kings who had multiple wives or concubines. That wasn't loveโ€”it was just about power and building an empire."

Sarah, midway through her meal, nodded in agreement. "That's a good point, Mike. Real love involves commitment and choosing one person above all others. It's not about having a harem for the sake of it."

Jason, a sly grin on his face, couldn't help but poke a little fun at Mike. "You know, Mike, you sound like you've been hanging out with Y/N too much. Talking about historical facts and stuff... that's her area of expertise, not yours."

Mike chuckled sheepishly and shrugged, "Hey, what can I say? I guess I've been picking up a thing or two from Y/N's historical knowledge."

Y/N couldn't help but chime in, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Looks like my love of history is rubbing off on Mike," she said, a laugh escaping her lips. "Just don't start quoting historical dates or anything like that, Mike. I'm the historian around here."

Lilly, her eyes narrowing playfully, quipped, "Oh, yeah? I remember someone complaining about history lectures being 'boring as f\*ck' just the other day."

Y/N, caught off guard by Lilly's remark, blushed slightly, her cheeks turning a rosy hue. She rolled her eyes good-naturedly, trying to play it off. "Hey, cut me some slack. I said that during a particularly dull lecture with an unenthusiastic professor. Not all history classes are boring, you know."


As I sat across from Y/N, engrossed in conversation with the others, my gaze involuntarily wandered in her direction. I couldn't help but admire her from a distance, captivated by the way her hair fell effortlessly around her face and the captivating laughter that consistently tugged at the corners of her lips.

In those moments, my thoughts whirled with admiration and a growing affection that I kept securely concealed behind a lighthearted demeanor. There was something about her, an indescribable charm that silently drew me in, despite our friendship.

Reluctantly torn from my thoughts about Y/N, I felt an insistent tapping on my thigh. It was Mike trying to grab my attention. I shot him a frown, initially irritated by the disturbance, but my curiosity got the better of me.

With a muttered sigh, I leaned in closer to Mike, willing to hear what he had to say. As I did so, my expression transformed from annoyance to tentative eagerness, silently signaling him to share his thoughts.

Mike, his voice a vehement whisper, leaned in and hissed urgently, "How long are you going to gawp at her? You've been staring at Y/N practically the whole evening. Are you ever planning to make a move or what?โ€

I, slightly taken aback by Mike's directness, felt a pang of self-consciousness. I quickly looked away from Y/N, aware that I had been caught in my silent admiration.

"I... I haven't been gawking. I was just observing."

Mike rolled his eyes, clearly unconvinced. "Observing? Pfft. More like mooning. You're like a lovesick puppy, mate."

Mike, his patience growing thin, leaned in again, his tone turning slightly exasperated. "Mate, you've been drooling over her for ages. It's time to make a move. Otherwise, you're gonna spend the rest of your life pining from afar."

I swallowed hard, my heart thudding in my chest. I glanced in Y/N's direction, my mind racing with uncertainty and a hint of fear. "I... I don't know. It's easier said than done, right?"

Mike's frustration was palpable as he lashed out, his fist colliding with my thighs, eliciting a guttural growl from me. His patience thinning, he leaned in once more, his voice stern and authoritative. "Enough is enough, man. Stop gawking like a smitten puppy and take a damn action. You either summon the guts to approach Y/N or consign yourself to a lifetime of regret and missed chances. You got what I'm saying?"

My eyes locked on Mike, as I took a deep breath, the mixture of frustration and embarrassment evident in my expression. "It's not that easy, you know. It's not like I can just walk up to her like a smooth-talking Casanova and ask her out. Real life doesnโ€™t work like that." I ran a hand through my hair, my heart heavy with unspoken fears and insecurities. "What if she rejects me? What if I mess everything up and ruin our friendship?"

Mike rolled his eyes, his irritation giving way to a tone of exasperated reassurance. "Nothing will happen, huh? Well, I've got news for you, mate. Nothing will happen if you just sit there drooling like a lost puppy either."

Leaning in closer, he fixed me with a firm gaze. "Sometimes you've got to take that leap of faith. Yes, you might get rejected. Yes, it could get awkward. But the risk of doing nothing is even worse โ€“ regretting what might have been, forever."

Mike's voice was firm and insistent as he gave his suggestion, "Jason, tomorrow presents a golden opportunity. It's her birthday, and the time has come for you to act. You've spent enough time silently pining from afar. Now is the moment to take the leap and transform your concealed affection into a declaration of love."

He paused, his gaze unwavering and intense. "Make tomorrow her most memorable birthday yet. Propose to her. Show her that you are serious about your feelings and that your love is more than just a fleeting thought."

I couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy that clung to me like a shadow. The thought of confessing my feelings to Y/N seemed both terrifying and impossible.

"I can't," I repeated, my voice betraying the turmoil within me. "What if she doesn't feel the same way? I can't risk losing our friendship over this. Besides, I'm not good enough for her. She deserves someone bolder, someone more confident than me. I'm just a coward, scared to take a chance and face rejection."

Mike, his patience wearing thin, snapped, "That's it. I've had enough. If you're too spineless to confess your feelings to Y/N, I'll do it myself. She deserves to know the truth even if you're too much of a coward to tell her."

I felt a pang of trepidation as I locked eyes with Mike, his nonchalance adding fuel to my irritation.

"So, you're threatening me now?" I pressed, my voice hardening.

He shrugged again, his nonchalance bordering on audacity. "Take it as a threat or a push, whichever you want. I'm just saying, it's not fair keeping Y/N in the dark about your true feelings. She deserves to know."

Mike leaned back in his seat, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"All the best to you," he said, his voice laced with a hint of sarcasm. "You better muster up the courage to tell her tomorrow, or I just might take matters into my own hands."

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