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Y / N

I stood before the mirror, admiring my reflection in the shimmering glass. I wore a stunning black dress that hugged my curves in all the right places, complimenting my fair complexion. The hem of the dress fell just above my knee, while the sweetheart neckline revealed just a hint of my dรฉcolletage, suggesting a subtle sensuality. The fabric of the dress was soft and silky to the touch, feeling expensive against my skin. My hair had been styled into soft waves that cascaded softly over my shoulders.

The dress was made of an elegant black material that draped beautifully over my body, clinging gently to my curves and creating a flattering silhouette. It had a scoop neckline that dipped low enough to be seductive without being too revealing. The hemline sat just above my knees, hitting the perfect spot to show off my legs. The back of the dress featured an intricate cut-out design, adding a touch of unique design and accentuating the curves of my back. The dress was simple yet stylish, and I felt beautiful wearing it.

My makeup was flawless, emphasizing my best features while still keeping it subtle and elegant. My eyelids were lined with a thin and precise cat eyeliner, stretching out my eyes and giving me a sultry look. To add a pop of colour, I had chosen a vibrant red lipstick, contrasting against my fair skin and making my lips appear plump and inviting. The combination of the bold eyeliner and the deep red lip colour created a look that was sexy and sophisticated, perfect for a night out at the club.

My hair was always a source of pride, although it had gone through a recent change. It was naturally brown and fell in waves to my hips, but I had recently taken the plunge and dyed it a dark, glossy black. The hue of my hair now perfectly complemented the dark hue of my dress, creating a cohesive look that made me feel both confident and stylish. I had taken some time to style my hair as well, using a curling iron to create soft, loose waves that framed my face and added an extra touch of glamour to my appearance.

Once I was satisfied with my hair, I turned my attention to adding a final touch to my look. I picked up a bottle of my favourite perfume, a warm and seductive scent that always made me feel confident and put together. I sprayed a few spritzes onto my wrists and neck, watching as the fragrance floated around me in an intoxicating cloud. As I inhaled the rich and sultry scent, I knew I was ready to take on the night.

As I gracefully descended the stairs in my exquisite black heels, my heart was beating with anticipation. Upon reaching the bottom, I was greeted by my mother, whose eyes widened in pleasant surprise as she beheld my captivating appearance. A gasp escaped her lips, and her hand involuntarily rose to her chest as she studied me intently. She looked me up and down, her gaze taking in my striking outfit, my dark hair, and the subtle accents of my makeup. "My darling," she breathed, placing a hand to her heart. "You look nothing short of resplendent."

I couldn't help but giggle softly at my mother's reaction, feeling a mixture of shyness and pleasure at her words. She stepped forward and enveloped me in a warm embrace, her arms encircling me tightly. I hugged her back, savouring the familiar comfort of her touch. "Thank you, Mom," I murmured, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. "I'm glad you approve. I wanted to make sure I looked nice for my birthday celebration with my friends tonight."

My mother pulled back from the embrace, placing her hands on my shoulders as she looked me up and down once again with a small smile. "You look absolutely beautiful," she said softly, pride and concern mingled in her eyes. "But more importantly, I hope you have a wonderful time tonight. Remember to be safe and call me if you need anything, okay?"

I nodded, giving her a reassuring smile in return. "I will, Mom," I promised her. "And I promise to be safe and call you if I need anything. But don't worry, I'm confident everything will be fine. Sarah, Jason, and Mike are coming to pick me up any minute now, and we're going to have a blast."

I took a deep breath, knowing that I had one more important thing to do before leaving. "Mom, I'm going to go see Dad for a minute before I go," I said. "I want to spend a few moments with him before I head out for the night."

My mother nodded, understanding the importance of spending time with family, especially in such a special occasion. "Of course, sweetheart," she said, giving me a warm smile. "I'm sure he'll be happy to see you. Just make sure you don't take too long; your friends will be here soon."

I left the living room and made my way through the house, my heels clicking against the hardwood floor. I passed by the kitchen, the den, and the dining room before finally reaching the front porch of our house. There, off to the side, was a small building that served as my father's lab. It was a modest structure, but I knew that it held a world of knowledge and innovation within its walls. With a small smile, I made my way towards the lab, anticipating the reunion with my father.


As I stepped into the lab, I was greeted by the sight of a small group of people huddled around various workstations. My father's team mates were scattered throughout the room, each of them engrossed in their own tasks. I recognized each of them, from the kindly older man who had given me piggy-back rides as a child to the young, eager intern who had just joined the team a few months ago. They all looked up as I entered, a chorus of cheerful greetings and smiles meeting my presence.

As I entered the room, I noticed my father standing off to the side, his expression a mixture of excitement and anticipation. As soon as he saw me, a bright smile broke out across his face and he strode towards me, calling out my name. Without giving me a chance to react, he grabbed my arm and spun me around in an exaggerated twirl, just as he had done when I was a child. I let out a gasp of surprise, followed by a laugh, as he pulled me into a tight embrace.

My father pulled me into a tight embrace, his arms encircling me like a protective blanket. As he held me close, his body shaking slightly, I was taken aback by the intensity of his reaction. I couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion and worry as I asked him, "Dad, what's wrong? What's got you so worked up?"

As my father pulled back from the embrace, I could see a wide grin spreading across his face. His eyes were sparkling with excitement and happiness as he proclaimed, "Guess what, sweetheart? We've finally finished it. The time machine is complete, and it's all thanks to you."

I was taken aback by his words, my confusion quickly giving way to shock and wonder. "What do you mean... it's thanks to me?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Before I could say anything else, my father continued, his voice filled with emotion. "Ever since the day you were born, you've been my good luck charm. Every time I've been stuck on a problem or close to giving up, you've always found a way to give me that boost of motivation I needed. I truly believe that you're the reason why we finally completed the time machine."

I couldn't help but burst into a wide grin at my father's words. "Dad, it's not just me," I protested. "It's all thanks to your hard work and dedication. You and your team have been working tirelessly for years on this project. I may be your good luck charm, but you're the one who did all the heavy lifting."

My father's expression softened, and his eyes filled with gratitude and love. "You know, sweetheart," he began, his voice tinged with emotion, "you and your mom have been the greatest supporters in my life. I wouldn't have been able to achieve any of my successes without your endless faith and encouragement. You both have been my rocks, my reasons for pushing forward and never giving up. I'm truly grateful to have you both in my life."

I couldn't help but smile widely as I looked at my father. "Congrats, Dad," I said, my voice filled with joy and pride. "I'm so proud of you and the whole team for their hard work. You all deserve to celebrate this incredible achievement."

My father smiled at my words of congratulations, his pride evident in his eyes. "Thank you, sweetheart," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "We're all very excited about the testing of the time machine tomorrow. We've spent years working on this project, and to see it come to fruition is an incredible feeling."

My eyes widened as I took in the enormity of what my father was telling me. The implications and possibilities of the time machine testing were immense, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness on his behalf. "Wow," I repeated, struggling to find the words to express my feelings. "This is incredible, Dad. You and the team have worked so hard for so many years, and now the moment is finally here. I know everything will go smoothly, but I can't help but feel a little anxious too. All the best, Dad. May the tests go better than we could ever imagine."

My father chuckled at my heartfelt message, a proud smile on his face. "That's my girl," he said, reaching out to ruffle my hair affectionately. "Always worrying and caring about others. Don't worry your pretty little head, sweetheart. We've prepared for every possible scenario. The tests will go flawlessly, and soon you'll be watching history unfold before your very eyes."

I couldn't help but feel a little reassured by my father's confident words. I knew that he and his team had poured their hearts and souls into the time machine, leaving no stone unturned. Still, I couldn't help the small voice of doubt that lingered in the back of my mind. "I trust you and the team, Dad," I said, forcing a smile. "But I won't completely believe it until I see it with my own eyes. Tomorrow can't come soon enough."

My father smiled at my words, his eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "You're absolutely right, sweetheart," he said. "Tomorrow is a big day, and I need my two good luck charms by my side. I want you and your mom to be there for the testing. Your support means the world to me, and I know it'll make the day even more special."

I nodded resolutely, my eyes fixed on my father's face. "Of course, Dad," I said, my voice filled with determination. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. Tomorrow, Mom and I will be there by your side, cheering you on and supporting you every step of the way. You can count on us."

My father's gaze travelled up and down my dressed-up form, taking in my attire. "You're looking nice," he observed, a small smile on his lips. "Going somewhere special tonight?"

I couldn't help but smile at his comment, secretly pleased that he had noticed my effort to look nice. "Thanks, Dad," I replied playfully. "As a matter of fact, I am going somewhere special. It's my birthday celebration with my friends, and I wanted to look my best."

My father's protective instinct emerged as he looked at me intently. "You're going out with your friends, huh?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice. "You know, I can send a security guard with you if you'd like. Just to ensure your safety out there."

I chuckled softly at my father's overprotective nature, but appreciated his concern. I knew he worried about me whenever I went out, especially with friends. "Dad, it's okay," I reassured him. "I appreciate the offer, but I've got it covered. My friends and I will watch out for each other, and we'll be in a well-lit and public area. Besides, having a security guard follow me around would ruin the fun."

My father frowned slightly, clearly not completely convinced. "I just want to make sure you're safe," he said, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're my little girl, and the thought of you out there in the world without protection doesn't sit well with me."

I sighed softly, understanding his protective instincts but wanting to reassure him. "I know you worry, Dad," I said gently. "And I appreciate it, truly. But I'm old enough to take care of myself. My friends will be with me, and we're just going to have a good time. We'll stay safe and out of trouble, I promise."

My father studied my face for a moment, his gaze searching for any hint of vulnerability. Finally, he relented, albeit reluctantly. "Alright," he conceded. "But I expect you to call me as soon as you're home, okay? And if anything feels off or you need anything, you call me immediately. Understand?"

I could hear the honking from the car outside signalling my friends' arrival. "That's my cue," I said, a mixture of excitement and sadness filling me. I turned to my father, and without a second thought, we hugged tightly. The familiar feel of his embrace, strong and warm, brought a sense of comfort and security. "I love you, Dad," I whispered into his chest, the words carrying a weight of emotion. "I'll see you later. Don't worry too much, okay?"

My father clutched me close, his grip tightening for a moment before letting go. He pulled back, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and worry. "Love you too, sweetheart," he replied, his voice thick with emotion. "Please be careful tonight. Call me when you're home, alright? And have a blast. You deserve it."

I nodded, a small, grateful smile on my face. "I will, Dad," I assured him. "I promise, I'll be careful and call you when I get home. Don't stay up waiting for me, okay? Get some rest."

With a final farewell, I reluctantly stepped away from my dad, giving him one last wave before exiting the lab. The sound of the car honk echoed through the corridor again, reminding me that my friends were waiting for me, ready to celebrate my birthday. Although I was excited for the night ahead, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at leaving my father behind. His protective nature and genuine concern always made me feel loved and cared for.

E N Dย  ย O Fย  ย Y / N'Sย  ย P O Vย 



As we sat in the car, the four of us eagerly anticipating Y/N's arrival, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. I was sitting in the driver's seat, drumming my fingers on the steering wheel, while Mike sat beside me, looking out the window with a grin on his face. In the backseat, Sarah and Lilly were chatting together, both of them equally as excited as I was. We knew that Y/N's birthday was a special occasion, and we were all eager to celebrate with her.

As we waited for Y/N, my hands rested idly on the steering wheel, the excitement of the evening fuelling my anticipation. Suddenly, my eyes caught a glimpse of her in the distance, walking towards us. Her black dress hugged her figure perfectly, making her look stunning. My eyes widened slightly at the sight, and I felt a small, unexpected flutter in my heart. I couldn't help but admire her beauty and the effortless elegance she exuded.

As Y/N approached the car, my eyes immediately took in her appearance. Her lips were a deep, rich red, contrasting beautifully against her fair complexion. Her hair, once a rich brown, was now a glossy black, the strands swinging gently as they framed her face. As she walked, the length of her hair fell to her hips, adding an extra touch of elegance to her overall look. I had always thought her hair looked good, but now that it was black, I had to admit, I preferred it this way.

I couldn't help but stare at Y/N's face, taking in the soft features and the gentle curves. Their eyes were like two sparkling pools of liquid gold, framed by dark lashes that would flutter delicately with each Blink. The smooth, pale skin was almost flawless, save for a few light freckles that dusted their cheeks like tiny stars. Their lips, a shade of pink that could only be described as petal-like, curved into a faint smile, and their soft, dark hair framed their face in a curtain of obsidian silk.

As Y/N approached the car, we all turned our attention toward her. Sarah, seated beside me, quickly opened the back door, allowing Y/N to gracefully slide into the backseat. She settled in between Sarah and Lilly, her black dress cascading around her as she got comfortable. The sight of her wearing such a stunning outfit made me steal a quick glance at her through the rear-view mirror, admiring her beauty.

Mike, unable to contain his excitement, suddenly spoke up. "Hey, man, can you start the engine already? We've got a birthday celebration to get to!" I chuckled at his eagerness and replied, "Patience, my friend. I was just about to." With a grin, I turned the key in the ignition, and the car came to life with a soft rumble.


We found ourselves in the VIP section of the club, surrounded by the pulsating music and vibrant atmosphere. The plush couches and low lighting added to the exclusive vibe of the area. We were all sat together, chatting and laughing with each other as we sipped on our drinks. The energy in the room was infectious, and it was easy to get caught up in the celebration of Y/N's special day.

The conversation and laughter continued to flow as we sat together. We reminisced about old memories, shared funny anecdotes, and teased each other light-heartedly. The atmosphere was light and carefree, and the joy and love we had for one another were evident in our interactions. It was moments like these that made our bond as friends even stronger, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the close-knit group we had formed over the years.

As the conversation and laughter continued to flow amongst us, Sarah suddenly interrupted with a puzzled expression. "Y/N," she inquired, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity, "I must admit I'm somewhat perplexed. Why, on your birthday celebration, are you partaking in the refreshing and nourishing beverage known as juice? It seems that today, of all days, is the most opportune occasion to indulge in a more mature and adult beverage."

As Sarah's question hung in the air, my eyes drifted towards Y/N, unable to resist stealing a glance at her. I saw her let out a soft, melodic chuckle, the sound wrapping around my heart like a warm embrace. The sight and sound of her laughing triggered an unexpected fluttering sensation in my chest, a feeling I couldn't quite ignore or deny.

The laughter and chatter quieted down for a moment as Y/N chimed in with her response to Sarah's inquiry. "That's a fair question," she replied with a slight smile, her gaze drifting towards her glass of juice. "To be honest, I don't drink alcohol. I never have. I've simply never acquired a taste for it or found the appeal of it."

A small silence followed her words, the news of Y/N's non-drinking habit coming as a surprise to some of us. But it also sparked a wave of respect and understanding, as we knew that Y/N had her reasons for her choice. Mike, always the one to speak his mind, voiced his thoughts first. "You know, I never pegged you as a non-drinker," he remarked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Y/N shrugged lightly, a casual gesture to brush off any further questions. "I just never saw the point in it, to be honest," she said. "I prefer to enjoy my nights out without the influence of alcohol. Plus, I prefer to keep my wits about me and remember all the fun moments, rather than waking up with a foggy memory the next day."

As the conversation went on, my eyes stayed fixated on Y/N, taking in every small detail. I observed how her lips moved as she spoke, forming each word with precision and grace. Her eyes, they were like pools of endless depth, with a light and sparkle in them that made them even more captivating. I found myself entranced by her presence, unable to tear my gaze away.

My thoughts were interrupted by Lily's voice, tearing my attention away from Y/N. "Jason, what do you think?" she asked, her tone filled with eagerness. I realized that the others were now looking at me, waiting for my response to the ongoing conversation.

After momentarily gathering my thoughts, I spoke up, my voice steady and clear. "Well, it's ultimately Y/N's decision, of course," I began, acknowledging her autonomy. "But if she feels comfortable doing so, she can try a small drink, if she wishes. It's her birthday after all, and we're here to celebrate and have a good time."

A small sense of anticipation filled the air as Y/N declared her decision. I couldn't help but admire her willingness to go out of her comfort zone, all in celebration of her special day. She nodded slightly, her smile becoming more defined. "All right," she repeated, her voice carrying a tone of excitement mixed with slight nervousness. "I'll give it a shot. But I'm only having one drink, got it?"

Mike's face broke into a wide grin, his excitement visibly apparent. "That's the spirit!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with encouragement. "Just one drink won't hurt, right?"

Sarah chuckled softly, her eyes dancing with amusement. "One drink is all it takes to loosen things up a bit," she added, a hint of mischief in her voice.

With Y/N's decision to try a drink, the mood in the group became more festive. Sarah promptly signalled for a waiter, who swiftly arrived with a cocktail menu. After asking for Y/N's preferences, the waiter suggested a fruity, refreshing drink that seemed appropriate for a first-time drinker. Soon, a colourful cocktail was placed before Y/N, complete with a vibrant cocktail umbrella and a fruity wedge garnish.

The group watched in anticipation as Y/N picked up the drink, examining it for a moment. She took a small sniff, her nose wrinkling slightly at the strong smell of alcohol. Then, raising the glass to her lips, she took a small, tentative sip.

As Y/N took a small, tentative sip of the cocktail, we all waited anxiously for her reaction. The silence in the group was palpable, all eyes fixed on her, eagerly anticipating her thoughts on the taste. Y/N's facial expression remained neutral for a few seconds as she let the liquid pass over her taste buds. Then, as she swallowed, a subtle frown briefly crossed her face, followed by a small shudder. The alcohol taste was clearly not something she was used to, and it was apparent that she didn't quite know how to react to the unfamiliar sensation.

"Well, that's got a strong kick to it," Y/N commented, a hint of surprise in her voice. The rest of us chuckled softly, knowing that the strength of the drink might have been an unexpected surprise for her.

Sarah patted Y/N on the back reassuringly, a friendly smile on her face. "You'll be fine," she assured her. "Just take it slow, enjoy the taste, and don't feel pressured to finish it all in one go."

Sarah's supportive pat on the back seemed to ease Y/N's slight discomfort a bit. As she took another sip, she couldn't help but wince slightly at the potent taste. However, she nodded in agreement, understanding that the alcohol was something she had to get used to. The rest of us continued to watch her, silently encouraging her as she continued to explore the taste of the cocktail.

As I watched Y/N take another small sip of the cocktail, I couldn't help but chime in with a caution. "Take it easy," I suggested, my voice filled with concern. "There's no rush to finish the drink. It's your first time, so sip it slowly and savour the taste. No need to chug it down in one go."

Y/N nodded in acknowledgment, appreciating my advice. "Yeah, you're right," she agreed. "I guess I'm just curious about the taste, but I'll take it slow." She took a smaller sip this time, allowing the liquid to sit on her tongue for a moment before gently swallowing.


I couldn't help but notice Y/N enjoying her cocktail, swirling the glass around and sipping the drink. Suddenly, Sarah and Lilly arrived with a small, wrapped gift box. They placed it on the table in front of Y/N with smiles plastered on their faces.

I watched as Sarah and Lilly placed a gift-wrapped box before Y/N, who was in the midst of enjoying her cocktail. The sight of the present intrigued me, and my curiosity piqued. Y/N paused her cocktail sipping, focusing her attention on the unexpected gift, her eyes darting between the present and her two friends. "What's this?" Y/N exclaimed, her voice filled with curiosity and maybe a hint of eagerness.

Lilly smiled warmly and said, "This gift is from all of us." She gestured towards me, Sarah, Mike, and herself. "We wanted to get you something special to celebrate your 21st birthday."

I chuckled as I watched the scene unfold. Y/N's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and pleasant joy etched on her features. Her gaze then shifted to us, her friends. A soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips, appreciating our thoughtfulness. "Guys, you didn't have to get me anything," Y/N protested, her voice filled with a mix of gratitude and bashfulness.

I joined in, encouraging Y/N to open the gift. "Come on, Y/N. Open it," I urged her with a smile, eager to see her reaction to our present. I watched with anticipation as Y/N slowly undid the wrapping paper, her slender fingers gently unfolding the gift. Mike and Sarah shared a glance, both equally excited to see her reaction. Lilly couldn't contain her smile, the suspense driving her anticipation. Finally, the wrapping paper gave way, revealing the contents of the gift box.

Y/N's eyes widened, her mouth dropping open in shock as she laid her gaze on the present inside the box - a camera. It was exactly the camera she had been eyeing for so long, her desire to capture perfect moments and express her passion for photography shining through her reaction. Sarah chimed in, "We knew how much you love photography and taking pictures, Y/N. So we got you this special gift we know you've been wanting."

A wave of emotions washed over Y/N - disbelief, gratitude, and a touch of embarrassment. She looked up at us with watery eyes, still reeling from the surprise. "You guys... I don't know what to say," she murmured, her voice trembling with gratitude. "This camera... it's... it's exactly what I've been wanting. I can't believe you all got it for me."

Y/N's voice trembled with gratitude as she said, "And I can't believe you guys spent so much on this camera. It's not just any camera; it's the one I've been coveting for months. It's one of the most expensive models on the market." She looked at us, her eyes filled with a mix of awe and disbelief. "I can't believe you guys spent so much money on me just for my birthday. You shouldn't have spent so much, really."

Mike shrugged, a smirk on his face. "Hey, it's your birthday. We wanted to get you something special, something you truly wanted. And we know how much you love photography and how badly you wanted this camera."

Without hesitation, Y/N stood up and opened her arms, signalling that she wanted to give us all a group hug. We chuckled, touched by her gesture. Mike, Sarah, Lilly, and I all exchanged glances before getting up and encircling Y/N in a tight group embrace. As we gathered around Y/N, enveloping her in a warm group hug, I could feel the collective joy and affection surging through us. We pulled her closer, wrapping our arms tightly around her delicate frame.

Her heart thumped against my chest, the rhythm quickened by excitement and love. Mike's grip around her shoulders tightened, expressing his happiness. Sarah and Lilly squeezed her from different angles, their love for their friend evident in their touches.

As we continued to wrap each other in a warm embrace, Y/N suddenly spoke, her voice a mere whisper. "I love you all so much," she murmured, her words filled with genuine affection. Mike chuckled, giving her a squeeze. Sarah and Lilly chimed in their own "I love you"s, their voices soft and sincere. I echoed their sentiments, nuzzling my face against Y/N's hair. "We love you too, Y/N. Happy birthday."

Y/N pulled back from our group hug, a smile spreading across her face. She looked at us with excitement and gratitude. "You guys, sit down, please," she instructed, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I want to take a picture of all of us. It'll be like a memento to remember this moment." Without protest, we all sat down, positioning ourselves so that we'd be included in the frame. Mike joked, "Just make sure you don't make us look too hideous in the picture."

Y/N laughed, adjusting the camera in her hands. "I can't promise anything, especially since you already look pretty hideous," she teased back, a playful gleam in her eyes. The brightness of the flash filled the room, capturing our laughter and smiles, everyone enjoying the moment. Except for Mike, who had scrunched his nose just as the picture was taken, ruining the shot. "Hey, Y/N, why did you have to capture me with my nose scrunched like that?" he protested, feigning annoyance. Our laughter echoed through the room once more as we took in the sight of our, less-than-perfect picture.


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